Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prayer for those far away.

It's been 5 years since we were evacuated out of Kinshasa due to threats of violence around their first democratic election in decades. I read today that the borders are closed again and more violence is expected. A life so far removed from the comfort of my cozy living room as I sip coffee in front of my fake fire looking at my fake Christmas tree. What's real?

I've been reading blogs this morning from sisters around the world that I am virtually connected to through Women of the Harvest . Real women with messy lives living in challenging circumstances. Many of us glamorize missionaries, or think that they are somehow more spiritual than the rest of us, that they've been given extra measures of strength to live in difficult circumstances. Not true. I so admire these women and families who have followed the Shepherd to the field where He leads them. And, I pray that all of us will listen to the leading of the Shepherd in our own lives and that during this Christmas season our feet will bring good news of peace to a broken, fearful world.

"Dear Jesus, I abide with you this morning for my sisters around the world who have left homes, family, familiarity and comfort to take your message of salvation to your children. It's December Lord, and good or bad, we all have expectations of what this month should bring. I pray for those far from families they love and long to be with, comfort them Dear Comforter. Give them joy like Peter knew...beyond expression! I pray for those who are lonely and disillusioned, strengthen them Lord. with the strength you gave David when he was in a foreign land feeling so alone. I pray for those whose marriages are being tested beyond what they think they can handle due to internal and external pressures inherent in marriage, but exacerbated in foreign cultures; give them patience and endurance as they hope in Your ability to give them wisdom and discernment. I pray for mommies who are trying to love, discipline and educate their children. That is a challenge in 'normal' life, but even greater on different soil.
Give us all sensitive ears to your still, quiet voice as You guide us each moment to the path of life, the path of peace, the path of restoration every moment. Bless my precious sisters, Your chosen daughters, abundantly this Christmas Lord. Lift their heads to You and not to people near or far that they feel could meet some need they have. Remind them of Your lavish love, Your deep delight in them, and let them hear Your voice singing over them, rejoicing that they are Yours. Hold them close. In Your tender mercy, amen."


  1. Thanks for your prayer and your thoughts. They are much appreciated!

  2. Amen! And thank you for your prayers!

  3. Hi, I just found your blog through Women of the Harvest's recent re-posting of your blog post. I hope it's OK for me to quote you (2 short quotes) in my blog tomorrow. I promise to provide a link back! I look forward to getting better acquainted with you and your blog.

    Linda Thomas

  4. I prayed your prayer for the missionaries of the world at this time. I think of them often and what they are going through in being obedient to God who has called them. (I found your link through Linda above).

  5. Thanks for commenting dear sisters. Praying for you today!

  6. I found you through LInda's blog and want you to know I am praying for you this Christmas. I grew up an MK in Zambia, served in Zimb and Mozambique so know the physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual exhaustion that comes with serving in Africa. And, I know the empty places in the heart when you celebrate without your family.
    May God bless your Christmas.


Invitation from Worry

Thanksgiving is a stressful time for me normally, but this last one seemed more intense as we had what felt like a  crisis happening in our ...