Monday, October 29, 2018

Three Reasons why I, a Christian, Appreciate and Promote the Enneagram

Scripture will always be my plumb line. My love and awe of it continues to grow daily.

About 12 years ago, my daughter’s old boyfriend asked me what number I was on the enneagram. 
The WHAT? 

I had never heard of it, and just the name of it rattled my belief system. He explained that it was a personality tool. I was comfortable with the 4 temperaments and liked being able to categorize all my family and friends into animal groups. I was a happy go lucky golden retriever and that’s all I felt needed to know. However, it did pique my interest, so I started looking into it. 

Fast forward to today, and I am so grateful I didn’t throw out this helpful tool due to the ‘scary’ name (It’s really not scary, ennea=9; gram=diagram). God has used this ancient tool to help me grow truer to myself and more intimate with Him.   I’ve read many books, dozens of articles, have had hundreds of conversations, and listened to dozens of podcasts. I’ve taken an online course, sought out a Spiritual Director who works with the enneagram, and have attended conferences and workshops when I can. I’m now using it with those whom I have the privilege of practicing Spiritual Direction. 

I’ve completed a course to be certified as an enneagram coach, and plan to offer workshops and direction using this tool for those who are interested. I am not a therapist, and will be the first to recommend therapy to those who are struggling. I am simply a learner, willing to walk alongside of you, as we grow together.

Here are three reasons why I deeply appreciate the gift the enneagram has been for me:

1. Self Awareness: The enneagram helps us identify WHY we do what we do.

Look deep into my heart, God, and find out everything I am thinking. Don’t let me follow evil ways, but lead me in the way that time has proved true.   (Psalm 139:23-24 CEVUK)

I have spent most of my life unaware of what was going on inside me. Sure, I was aware of my sin, my mess ups, my shortcomings, but I felt helpless in moving past the same pitfalls over and over. I was constantly saying “I’m sorry” to the Lord for the same mistakes. WHY do I keep repeating these things again and again? I’d beat myself up and spiral down the same familiar path of shame and disappointment. The lens of the enneagram brought much needed exposure and clarity and most importantly, a way to move out of that dangerous inner mine field.  
Now, I know why… (and these will be different for every number)
    • I avoid hard conversations to the detriment of relationships
    • I don’t pursue personal goals and dreams
    • I narcotize and try to numb out of life with food, tv, etc.
    • I procrastinate
    • I am so darn tired!
I have lots of avenues of growth ahead (path of grace), but I can more quickly recognize when I am heading into a ditch and choose to redirect. I’m grateful to have rails to hold onto while I do this inner work. 

 2.  Understanding: The enneagram helps us see the world how others see it and our understanding grows.

You see the speck in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own eye. (Matthew 7:3 CEVUK)

The enneagram is made up of 9 numbers. The numbers are simply placeholders and have no moral value. Each number represents a different lens that someone sees the world through. My husband, Steve, is a 7, and I am a 9. He sees the world through a completely different lens than I do and he always will. It’s like I have a pair of green glasses on and he has red! All the arguing, stewing, bullying, and manipulating in the world will not change the color through which we see. And neither is wrong! I know you know this, but what the enneagram helps shed light on is WHY we see the world so differently from one another, and how we can meet each other at the point of understanding. This leads to a conversation that is actually helpful, healing, and moves us forward. It deflates attitudes of judgment and pride, fueling empathy and enthusiasm for the other(s) in our lives.

3. Reflection of God:  The enneagram helps us grow into the loving image God created us to be.

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—-who is the Spirit—-makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.     (2 Corinthians 3: 18 NLT)

There are no shortcuts or magic prayers to launch us into truer reflections of our Creator. It is a life-long process and one that takes grace filled effort. Jesus invited us to be disciples (learners), so that we can walk on the same path of grace He did while on earth. The more we grow in our understanding of who we are, the freer we become to reflect His design to those around us. The enneagram is useful in seeing where we are hiding, and where we need to wake up and grow up. It is simply one tool of many. It may help you, it may not. If I can help you along your path, please join us at a workshop (I'll post as they come available), host a workshop, or contact me for 1:1 guidance. 

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