Thursday, May 16, 2013

White Space

Color affects our moods.

Color transforms spaces.

I'm thinking about color a lot these days as we are painting our new fixer-upper. My old home had a lot of deep color, dark color, warm color. I loved it, but I don't want it again. Perhaps it's the season I'm in, or the simplicity I'm seeking, but for now, we're going all WHITE. Boring? Maybe. Trendy? I have no idea. For me, it reflects the longing of my soul for room to breathe. These last 2 years have been the most intense yet, and I am crying out for space to breathe. White space. For now, my home will reflect that desire. (I changed the colors on this blog too!)

I wish it were that easy for my mind, heart and soul. Maybe it is?

A zinger comes and all of a sudden we feel out of control. Dark, scary, hurtful. What do we do?

"Come to Me." There He is, again.

I was driving across town the other day when suddenly, despairing feelings (birthed from a simple question by a loving friend) began wrapping their sharp tentacles around my heart. It hurt. I felt anxious, afraid, alone. What do I do Lord?
Don't deny those feelings, they're real. Let them lead you to Me, right here, right now.

That won't help...was my honest response.


So, outloud, driving along, I started describing my feelings to the Lord and telling Him why I was justifiably scared. As I went through my montage, throwing in every detail I could think of, my words lost steam. In just a few moments I had nothing left to say. In fact, it all sounded rather silly and unfounded once I voiced it to the Lord. And, I still had a few miles to go! White space!

I heard you, I see you, I know, I love you, I won't leave you, you can trust Me. Move on now...

He didn't talk outloud, but it was loud and clear in my heart. And, by the time I reached my destination, the power of the unspoken was dissolved and the power of the Word was real. In fact, I can barely remember now what I was even worked up about! Oh He's so kind.

I read this morning in Hebrews 7..."I now have confidence in a better hope, through which I draw near to God." "He lives forever to intercede with God on my behalf."

What color reflects you today? Whatever color you're in, I encourage you to draw near. He wants to speak to you. I highly recommend Him as the greatest counselor and dearest friend. Give Him some white space in which to breathe His life into you.

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