Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Low Self Esteem

I love this paragraph taken from Henri Nouwen's book, Return of the Prodigal. I hope it encourages you today, as it did me. Commenting on the parable of Laborers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) he writes,

"Here lies hidden the great call to conversion: to look not with the eyes of my own low self-esteem, but with the eyes of God's love. As long as I keep looking at God as a landowner, as a father who wants to get the most out of me for the least cost, I cannot but become jealous, bitter, and resentful toward my fellow workers or my brothers and sisters. But if I am able to look at the world with the eyes of God's love and discover that God's vision is not that of a stereotypical landowner or patriarch but rather that of an all-giving and forgiving father who does not measure out his love to his children according to how well they behave, then I quickly see that my only true response can be deep gratitude."

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