Friday, August 24, 2012


Last night I found out dear friends of ours lost their 24 year old son in a motorcycle accident. More sorrow. As I look back on the last few years there has been much to celebrate! But, there has also been much to grieve. I really can't imagine walking this earthly road without the Shepherd alongside. Giver of Joy, Man of Sorrows.

My daily meditation led me to John 6:27-40 today. If you click on that reference you can read it for yourself.

My response and invitation:
You've told them they don't want to be with You for Who you are, but just for what You can do for them---for the miracles. They see You, but they don't believe You. You're inviting them to LIFE eternal, imperishable; they are asking for manna. You're offering complete-ness; they're asking for crumbs. They see You, but they don't believe You. They are listening, but they don't hear. You're telling them all they need to do is believe in You, the giver of Life, but they're asking for fast food now. 

You will never reject anyone who sees You for Who You are. You will never fail to pour into them Your life, full of compassion, mercy, unfailing love and peace. The bread of life. The bread of heaven. Enough. Complete satisfaction. No more hunger, no more thirst. Enough, whether we are in seasons of temporary abundance or drought---elation, or desolation---You remain Enough.

You wept because Your children wouldn't receive You. You're inviting me to not settle for temporary miracles or miraculous signs; not to settle for what I perceive as a good plan; but to believe in the One God has sent. You are enough. You are enough for...
people in trauma; my sisters in Congo who continue to haunt my thoughts and dreams
my friends in despair
my family in pain
loved ones with incurable diseases
those who are lonely, disappointed, scared

You are Enough for them, and You are enough for me. The I AM.
I worship You---bread of Life
I drink of You---Living Water
I praise You with all of creation.

I can give thanks with all my Heart, because You are Enough.

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